Research Center for Earth Operative Monitoring (NTs OMZ) of JSC “Russian Space Systems” is the Operator of Russian space constellation. It provides access to Russian remote sensing data from space (EO data) to all concerned individuals and organizations.
NTs OMZ provides state and commercial organizations with EO data and services using Roscosmos Geoportal and the Russian Federal Fund of the Earth Remote Sensing Data.
The Operator of Russian space constellation ensure satellite acquisition scheduling and EO data reception and processing at the ground infrastructure. The ground infrastructure operates as a part of the EO ETRIS system (the Earth Observation Unified Territorially Distributed Information System). Data processing is organized using automatic streaming information processing technologies. The software tools of the Basic Products Bank developed by NTs OMZ allow it to provide users with a wide range of basic products on the basis of remote sensing data.
The application of Russian EO assets is organized on a contract base with State Space Corporation “Roscosmos”. This includes satellite equipment target application planning and performance monitoring and participation in the satellite remote control and calibration processes.
127490, Moscow, Dekabristov st., 51/25
E-mail: ntsomz@ntsomz.ru, service@ntsomz.ru
The International Charter «Space and Major Disasters» is a non-binding charter which provides for the charitable and humanitarian acquisition and transmission of satellite data to relief organizations in the event of major disasters. Initiated by the European Space Agency and the French space agency CNES after the UNISPACE III conference held in Vienna, Austria, in July 1999, it officially came into operation on November 1, 2000, after the Canadian Space Agency signed onto the charter on October 20, 2000.
The International Charter is composed of space agencies and space system operators from around the world who work together to provide satellite imagery for disaster monitoring purposes.
More details about the Charter activities and participants are available in Russian, English, Spanish, French and Chinese languages on the Charter website:
The Russian State Corporation “Roscosmos” joined the Charter in 2013.
As the Operator of Russian EO assets, NTs OMZ represents Roscosmos in the Charter, its Executive Secretariat (ES) and various working groups. NTs OMZ provides Charter members with space data received from Russian Resurs-P, Kanopus-V and Meteor-M type satellites.
As a Charter Lead Agency in 2016 and 2019 Roscosmos hosted the 36th and 42nd Charter Board and ES meetings held in Moscow and St. Petersburg.